We have shortly read thät the winner of the Spanisch Scrabble world championship cannot speak a single wörd in Schpänisch.
So head up, dear Englisch speaking Kreuzworträtsel-Enthusiasts! Maybe this German riddle will be solvable für you after all! German is not se difficult languitsch it used to be. To example, "after all" means "alles am Arsch".
So be Mutti and have a try! You can make the riddle entweder online oder as a good old fashioned PDF-Datei.
Good löck! And anyway, a good new year to all of you, German or not!
P.S. Please read this blog post aloud, and in this voice. Senk you very schmatz!
So head up, dear Englisch speaking Kreuzworträtsel-Enthusiasts! Maybe this German riddle will be solvable für you after all! German is not se difficult languitsch it used to be. To example, "after all" means "alles am Arsch".
So be Mutti and have a try! You can make the riddle entweder online oder as a good old fashioned PDF-Datei.
Good löck! And anyway, a good new year to all of you, German or not!
P.S. Please read this blog post aloud, and in this voice. Senk you very schmatz!